Authoring processes

This section is for authors of processes. The work always takes place in a processes library in a teamsite. Who is allowed to author and approve (if approval is needed) is set up in Omnia admin under Process management.

When a teamsite has been set up for process authoring, the following will be available for authors:

  • A processes library that only users that has the right permissions can work with.

  • A publish workflow.

  • A tasks list.

  • Process history for the published editions.

  • Options for relating to documents; controlled documents or standard documents.

  • Options for creating a new draft from a published process.

  • Options for unpublishing a process.

In a teamsite set up for process authoring, a library, usually called just “Processes”, is available here:


In the Procsses library, authors can find three tabs:


“Drafts” is used when creating and editing drafts for new processes or when updating an existing process for a new edition.

“Tasks” is a list of author tasks for the processes – tasks you have assigned to colleagues or tasks assigned to you.

When a process is published (approved for publication) it is removed from “Drafts” and is available on the “Published” tab. Here the options for creating a new draft, unpublishing and process history are available, see: Working with Published processes.

Most headings can be used to sort a list.

Select section for more information: