Send page as Email

If you should need it, you can send a page through Email. To be able to do so the following must have been done:

  • The option “Enable send as Email” must be activated in the page collection settings.

  • Email recipients must have been added for the page(s) you would like to send.

Every time you publish such a page you will be able to send the page if you want, or just publish without sending.

Information about the page collection settings are described om this page: Page collection settings

Adding Email recipients

When sending a page through Email has been enabled, the following is available for all pages in the page collection:


(If “Enable send as Email” has not been activated, this tab is simply not shown.)

Add all recipient’s Emails here, with semicolon as devider:


Any colleauge or group that has an Email address can be added to this list.

You save by publishing. You can change the recipients anytime.

Sending a page through Email

When you have edited a page and publish the changes the normal way, the following is shown:


Choose what you want to do - just publish or publish and send the page through Email.

The page is always sent to all recipients, if you choose to do send.