Improve selected text (OpenAI)

You can create a number of prompt settings here to be used by editors, with OpenAI, for example:


Click the pen to edit, the dust bin to delete.

All settings are available for edit, see below.

Create a new prompt setting

The following are available for a new prompt setting:

  • Title: Add a title for this setting, in any available tenant language. Mandatory.

  • Prompt: Add the text (the instruction to OpenAI) for the prompt here. Note the message under the field. The token {Text} must be added here, within quotation marks. See below for an example.

  • Open chat dialog: If the chat dialog should open, select this option. This can be useful for editors, as they can continue communicating with OpenAI to make addtional changes.

  • TRY OUT: You can try out the settings by clicking this button.

Here’s an example of a prompt:


See the bottom of this page for information about how OpenAI can be used in the RTF editor: Editing text with the RTF Editor