How to subscribe in a community

You can subscribe on all levels of a community.

You can subscribe to all activities in the community, all knowledge articles and all discussions in a community.

Subscribe to a knowledge article or a discussion

To subscribe to a knowledge article or a discussion, do the following:

  1. Go to the knowledge article or discussion.

  2. Click SUBSCRIBE.


If you already are subscribing, the option says UNSUBCRIBE instead and you can click it to unsubscribe.


Subscribe to tags

Tags are global for the whole community, so if you subscribe to a tag, you subscribe to all activities in all knowledge articles and all discussions tagged that way. It can be quite a lot.

To subscribe to a tag, just click it when you see it listed to the right, as here:


Then click OK here:


If you click a tag you are already subscribing to, you can choose to unsubscribe.


Follow and subscribe

In a list of communities there can be a star present to indicate Follow status. If you follow a community in such a slist, by clicking the star, you also subscribe to the community automatically.