Authentication screens

Using this option you can create authentication screens to be used for Omnia users in this business profile.

These are the settings available:


Here’s an example of an authentication screen:



Here you can handle settings for which authentication screen to use for various authentications:


For each option you can select any of the screens you have created here, or the default authentication screen for a business profile (which is also used if you don’t set up any authentication screens). More information about the default authentication screen is found here: Authentication

Create a new authentication screen

To create a new screen, click the plus to the right of LAYOUTS and add a new name for the new screen.


And now you can start working on the layout for the screen.


This is very similar to working with other layouts in Omnia, see: Working with layouts

Two important differences are that there are fewer blocks available for authentication screens than other layouts, and that a specific block is available only for authentication screens, named “Authentication”.

The Authentication block comes with a ready to use style that can be edited using the settings:


Only general layout settings are available for this block, see: General block settings